My name is Orlin Milanov. I'm from Sofia. Even if only as a hobby, I have been actively involved with raising and breeding Rottweilers ever since 1990...
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The Rottweiler is considered to be one of the oldest dog breeds. Its origin goes back to Roman times. These dogs were kept as herder or driving dogs. They marched over the Alps with the Roman legions, protecting the humans and driving their cattle. In the region of Rottweil, these dogs met and mixed with the native dogs in a natural crossing.
Anelia Boikova Milanova
05.06.1986 - 29.08.2009

Success is never final.Failure is never fatal.It is courage that counts!
Care, training and more for Your rottweiler: ROTTWEILER - FAQ,HOW, WHEN, WHY and HOW MUCH? :)
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Name: Nadq Gancheva
Date: 2010-08-11
Saita e mnogo polezen za vseki koito se interesuva ot rotvailera da ne govorim za prekrasnite snimki na tezi predstaviteli na porodata.Az sam ocharovana ot tazi poroda do sega sam gledala samomo dobermani!!Shte vi pomolq da mi pishete na emaila kade moga da vi izpratq snimka na moqtq "krasavica" tq e na 11meseca i se kazva Hera.Bih iskala da chuq vasheto mnenie za moqta jenska.Ishte se radvam ako i za napred moga da kontaktuvam s vas.Sigorna sam che moga da naucha mnogo ot vas za vazpitanieto na rotvailera.Blagodar q vi predvaritelno!Az sam ot Vraca i Malin za men e nai dobriq predstavitel na rotovcite!Uspeh !
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